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Essential Guide to Auditing Product Data for Marketers: Benefits and Best Practices
July 26, 2024
While traditional marketing often focuses on generating a high volume of leads, the real game-changer lies in understanding how users engage with your product.
How Can Marketing Get To Product Data: Navigating The Most Common Objections
July 18, 2024
When requesting product data from other teams, expect objections about security, costs, technical issues, and more. Marketing can address these with clear proposals, real-time data benefits, and modern tools.
The Essential Guide to Product Data Tracking for Marketers
July 16, 2024
When we are just interacting with prospects, data like website activity, CRM / enrichment, etc., is the required data set to do marketing well. However, a whole different data set is required when interacting with customers/users and that is anchored by product activity.
5 Practical Tips for Marketing to Forge Collaboration with Product
July 11, 2024
Marketing’s access to product data is important to engage leads, users, and customers effectively. Marketing and Product collaboration is the only way to do it right.
The New Dynamics of Growth: From Marketing and Sales to Marketing and Product Alignment
July 9, 2024
We need to care about aligning marketing and product teams as much as we do about marketing and sales alignment. Releases Support for 1:Many and Many:Many Product Users
June 4, 2024
We are thrilled to announce a powerful enhancement to Inflection's capabilities: the addition of user and org properties in our dynamic list feature. Now, you can add a deeper level of personalization to your journeys with user and organizational properties too. Announces Salesforce Campaign Support To Bring ROI To Customer Marketing
May 30, 2024
We’re super excited to announce that Inflection now supports Salesforce Campaigns. If you are a marketer using Salesforce Campaigns this integration is set to level-up the way you manage, track, and optimize your marketing efforts.
Tips For Using Formstack For Marketing Automation
May 9, 2024
In this article, we'll explore some of the best practices for leveraging Formstack with Inflection to enhance your marketing automation capabilities and streamline lead management.
Here’s Our Product-led Go-To-Market (PLGTM) Vendor Landscape for 2024 - Your Solution for Building an Ultimate PLG Tech Stack
May 2, 2024
We just published our 2024 edition of the product-led go-to-market (PLGTM) vendor landscape and it has already created a lot of buzz in the PLGTM space. This year we have a whopping 196% growth in the number of vendors from our first edition (PLG Vendor Landscape 2021), which indicates the increasing popularity of product-led growth go-to-market approaches among SaaS companies.
Intro to Developer Marketing: Strategies and Insights
March 28, 2024
Marketing to developers is a bit like cooking for a food critic – you've got to get it just right. It may not be an entirely new recipe but you need to make some tweaks to be able to market to developers successfully. You've got to understand their language, their needs, and their quirks.
Unlocking Growth: Mastering Upsell and Cross-Sell Strategies
March 19, 2024
Cross-selling is basically hunting for new business. While the customer marketing, CSM, and Account Manager can work on upselling, cross-selling requires different sales motion because of the inherent challenges.
Mastering Pricing Strategies: Integrating Product-Led Growth into Your Sales-Led Strategy
February 28, 2024
A traditionally sales-led business has a lot to make a lot of changes. A pricing strategy revamp is one of those big pieces to move while adopting a product-led motion.
Scaling Product-Led Growth with Product Adoption at Account Level
February 22, 2024
It’s not an easy process to transition to product-led GTM but, you can start by making product adoption your primary goal.
Unlocking Growth: The Step-by-Step Process of Adopting PLG in Sales-Led Businesses
February 21, 2024
In this article, we'll demystify the concept of Product-Led Growth and provide a roadmap for sales-led companies looking to make the transition. Announces Webflow and Formstack Forms Support
February 6, 2024
Inflection can now integrate directly with Formstack and Webflow, improving your ability to communicate both leads and product users/customers from the same place.
All You Need To Know About Google's New 2024 Spam Guidelines
December 13, 2023
Here's the bottom line for B2B SaaS companies: it's not just Gmail's personal accounts feeling the impact—it's a call to action for all of us. The evolution in Gmail's sender guidelines demands proactive measures to ensure seamless operations and sustained success.
Product Onboarding Journey Templates You Can Copy
November 22, 2023
Successful onboarding isn't a one-size-fits-all deal. It's like tailoring the road trip according to the terrainIn this article, we will take you through different onboarding journey templates you can customize and make your own version of.‍
A Complete Guide to Reverse Trials: Maximizing Conversions With The Best of Free Trial and Freemium
November 15, 2023
A reverse trial in SaaS is when customers get full access to a product for a limited time, after the trial, customers choose a paid plan to continue using the product’s paid version or downgrade to a free version.
Growing Expansion Revenue with Customer Onboarding Mastery
November 8, 2023
Focusing on smaller deals upfront can be the key to rapid growth in this economy. It's not about downsizing your clientele; it's about closing smaller deals initially within your ideal customer profile and then expanding.
Introducing Tags: A Smarter Way to Organize Your B2B Marketing Campaigns
November 2, 2023
Ever been lost in a maze of folders, desperately trying to find that one important campaign? We get it, we’ve been there too. So, we decided to do something about it. We’re thrilled to announce a better way to organize marketing campaigns using tags, NOT folders.
All You Need To Know About SaaS Onboarding Audit in 2023
October 31, 2023
If you are struggling with low product adoption and high churn rates, the solution becomes clear: a thorough overhaul of your onboarding experience is the key to revitalizing your customer base.
What I’ve Learned About Accelerating Product Adoption Using Content From Ramli John
October 26, 2023
Ramli John, the author of the Product-Led Onboarding book, and content Director at Appcues, drew parallels between Super Mario Kart and product adoption during his talk at the PLGTM 2023 sessions. Here’s what I learned from his talk.
Mastering Welcome Emails: A Guide to Seamless SaaS Product Onboarding
October 19, 2023
Welcome emails are so much more than just warm gestures; they are strategic tools that can influence user engagement, retention, and conversion rates. Let's delve into the world of Welcome emails.
Building The Best SaaS Onboarding Email Flow - Explained With Examples
October 17, 2023
SaaS onboarding email flow varies based on user needs and product complexity. A tailored onboarding experience, be it for a simple tool or detailed roadmap for a complex product, ensures users reach their goals. So, how do you build the best SaaS onboarding flow?
How to Connect Bigquery to Hubspot Marketing Automation
October 13, 2023
Integrating a data warehouse like Google BigQuery with a marketing automation tool like HubSpot can decode not only customer behavior but also guide your product-led growth strategy with unparalleled clarity.
How To Connect Redshift To Hubspot Marketing Automation
October 11, 2023
In this blog post, we will dive into the intricacies of connecting Amazon Redshift, a powerful data warehousing solution, with HubSpot, a leading marketing automation platform.
How to connect Snowflake to HubSpot marketing automation
October 10, 2023
In this blog post, we will describe how to connect Snowflake, a very popular data warehouse used by many product-led growth companies, and HubSpot, a popular marketing automation tool.
Product-Led Growth Loops: SaaS Products' Greatest Weapon
October 6, 2023
Product-led growth loops represent the mechanisms around the product that encourage users to take specific actions that lead to more users adopting the product. Growth loops can take various forms, such as referral programs, virality features, or network effects. 
How to Connect Segment to Hubspot Marketing Automation
October 4, 2023
When you connect Segment, a powerful data management platform, with HubSpot marketing automation you're essentially creating a bridge between your product data and your marketing strategy. In this blog post, we’ll detail the steps to connect Segment to HubSpot.
What Is Growth Marketing And How To Do It Right
September 29, 2023
Growth marketing is a marketing approach focused on fostering strong connections with customers, cultivating loyalty, and nurturing a lasting bond between the brand and its consumers ultimately leading to long-term sustainable growth. 
Using Product-Led Growth (PLG) To Unlock More ENT Pipeline via ABM
September 21, 2023
Account-based marketing is key to unlocking enterprise pipeline potential. Adding an ABM motion in a product-led growth company requires a mind shift and strategy change. In this post, we are going to share how you can drive more enterprise pipeline via ABM at a product-led company.
How to Nail Product Onboarding with Psychology Principles
September 20, 2023
We delved into the intricacies of onboarding, exploring strategies that extend far beyond the traditional sign-up process using psychological principles in this blog post.
Here’s Our Product-led Go-To-Market (PLGTM) Vendor Landscape for 2023 - Your Solution for Building an Ultimate PLG Tech Stack
September 14, 2023
We just published our 2023 edition of the product-led go-to-market (PLGTM) vendor landscape for 2023 and it has attracted many more views than the last year’s edition. We believe it’s mainly because of the whopping 178% growth in the number of vendors from our first edition (PLG Vendor Landscape 2021) and the increasing popularity of product-led growth among SaaS companies. 
Signs Your SaaS Onboarding Is Not Working
September 7, 2023
Onboarding red flags can be your roadmaps to improvement. If you are designing an onboarding experience from scratch, it’s useful to have these points at the back of your mind as you build and launch.
Common SaaS Onboarding Challenges and 15 Best Practices to Crush Them
September 5, 2023
Naturally, every SaaS business wants to build a better product onboarding experience. But, where are we falling short?
From Time-Based to Product Activity-Based: How Inflection Built Personalized and Product-led Onboarding
August 23, 2023
Like most early-stage startups, we built an onboarding experience from scratch with limited feedback while our product is still evolving. In this article, we will take you through our journey of switching from a time-based to product activity-based onboarding approach at Recognized by Analyst Firm GTM Partners as Emerging GTM Tech Vendor
August 16, 2023 secured a spotlight position in The 2023 Emerging Tech Report by GTM Partners, a recognition shared with just 14 other vendors out of 100 applicants.
Debunking PLG Onboarding Myths: A Roadmap to Success
August 10, 2023
Product-Led Growth (PLG) puts the product experience front and center, aiming to win customers over through the product's own merit. But like any hot topic, myths have popped up around it. Today, we're here to uncover the reality behind onboarding myths in PLG companies.
The Best Product Onboarding I've Ever Seen
August 1, 2023
What does an ideal onboarding journey look like? There is no one answer to this question. The ideal onboarding journey looks a bit different for everyone. Onboarding experiences, when done right, can be both simple and the best possible introduction to a product or service.
15 Proven Best Practices for Product Onboarding
July 26, 2023
If you already have a product onboarding process in place, it is high time to evaluate and make changes to positively impact your business. Here are 15 proven best practices for product onboarding.
What is Reverse ETL?
July 19, 2023
Companies collect heaps of data directly and indirectly from their customers every day. This data ideally should help the stakeholders make business decisions. Reverse ETL helps us break data silos and leverage data by pushing it to SaaS applications where it makes more sense.
Unlocking Product-Led Growth: The Power of Personalized Onboarding
July 14, 2023
There are some very effective best practices to revolutionize onboarding at a PLG company. But, the biggest lever a PLG company can pull to make their onboarding more efficient and successful is ‘personalization’.
A Guide to Product Onboarding That Doesn’t Suck
July 11, 2023
One of the leading causes of customer churn is poor onboarding. Onboarding is your chance to show off the value of your product and leave a lasting impression on users. Getting onboarding right also establishes trust and credibility, making users feel confident in achieving their goals with your product. So, how not to suck at onboarding?
The Rise of Customer Success Operations: Empowering Growth through Data and Technology
July 7, 2023
According to Google Trends, CS Ops is growing at a faster pace than marketing operations. Why are companies like Jasper, Miro, 6sense, and Gong have all recognized the value of CS Ops and have incorporated it into their team?
5 Things I’ve Learned From The State Of PLG, 2023 Edition
July 4, 2023
Product-led growth is implemented differently by each company. We wanted to know how successful PLG companies are doing it and surveyed a bunch of them to gather insights. Here are my top 5 learnings from The State of Product-Led Growth 2023 report. Introduces The Most Advanced Journey Builder in B2B Marketing... Ever
June 26, 2023
Inflection brings you the never-before-seen journey builder that is going to help you execute the most effective customer and prospect journeys, effortlessly. You can now automate complex, multi-stage journeys at scale, all powered by real-time product usage data. Introduces Product Data Explorer: One Place to See and Understand Product Events & Their Properties
June 23, 2023
We are excited to introduce Product Data Explorer to our platform to help our customers easily understand and manage product events. This new feature enables non-technical teams at product-led companies to easily see all available product events in one place with the option to enable and disable them as required. 
Introducing Salesforce Accounts in to Power Account-based Marketing Workflows
June 22, 2023
We are thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to Inflection - the introduction of Salesforce Accounts support. This exciting new feature allows seamless integration between Inflection and Salesforce, enabling automatic synchronization of Account objects and associated fields and the ability to use Account data in building audiences and personalization. 
Decoding Product-Led Growth: Exploring the Differences Between a Product-Led Offer, Product-Led Motion, and Product-Led Company
June 14, 2023
Product-led growth. Never has a term seemed so clear, yet meant so many different things to different people. Through 100s of conversations with companies doing product-led growth, I've come to the conclusion that there are 3 different maturities. Product led offer, motion, and company.
The Compounding Returns of Product-led Growth
June 8, 2023
Not only does PLG offer great economics on that user/customer, often with fantastic NRR results, but every user/customer ALSO helps you win more accounts. This blog talks about how PLG can give you compounding returns.
Unleashing the Power of Customer-Led Growth
June 6, 2023
In this blog post, we'll delve into the nuances of acquisition-led versus customer-led growth, explore the potential of "product-led" strategies, and discuss the significance of net revenue retention (NRR) as a key metric for sustained business growth.
Choosing the Right SaaS Trial Strategy: Time-Based or Credit-Based Models
June 2, 2023
Figuring out the product packaging is as important as figuring out the right pricing strategy. In this blog post, we are going to discuss two important product packaging strategies that are popularly used with a usage-based pricing model.
The State of Product-led Growth: Insights into how businesses are running PLG in 2023
May 30, 2023
We sat down with our partners and PLG experts in producing The State of PLG Report 2023 to comprehend the report stats and the ground reality of running a successful PLG motion. This blogpost summarizes the discussion. Announces Support for MQL, PQL, & PQA Scoring to Supercharge Your Lead and Account Qualification
May 9, 2023
We’re now introducing the support for manual scoring for marketing qualified leads (MQLs), product qualified leads (PQLs), and product qualified accounts (PQAs) on our platform. This functionality lets our users set up MQL, PQL, and PQA scoring seamlessly and efficiently and then take action to create more MQLs, PQLs, and PQAs.
Announcing Inflection Integration with BigQuery to Enable Data Warehouse Powered Marketing Automation
May 8, 2023
Product-led companies can now create highly engaging campaigns for their audiences and personalized communications, from onboarding to automated QBRs, to revenue & pipeline expansion with data directly from BigQuery.
The Power of Customer-Led Growth: A Guide for SaaS Companies
April 20, 2023
Customer-led growth (CLG) is a strategy that prioritizes customer insights to guide growth. In this growth model, the focus is on delivering an amazing customer experience and scaling up brand advocates. By prioritizing the customer experience and building long-term relationships with your customers, you can drive sustainable growth and differentiate yourself from the competition.
How’s Marketing Team Embraced And Used It To Their Advantage
April 6, 2023
The Inflection marketing team needed to learn Segment. Like many of our customers, Segment is tracking product actions (logics, features customers are using, etc). We needed to use this data in campaigns - onboarding, adoption, free trial flows, retention.
Five Best Product-Led Growth Examples - A Deep Dive into the PLG Companies That Are Doing It Right!
April 4, 2023
In this article, we will explore the importance of PLG in driving sustainable growth and some of the best examples of companies that have successfully implemented this strategy. 
A Look At Product-Led Sales
March 30, 2023
Product-led sales has emerged as a subcategory of selection and prioritization, specifically built for and targeting the sales team at product-led companies.
How to Connect Amplitude to HubSpot Marketing Automation
March 28, 2023
Insights derived from Amplitude can be actionable in more ways than product improvement. Connecting a marketing automation platform is one of the most popular integrations to use the power of product intelligence to drive growth in PLG businesses. This article details the process of data sync between Amplitude and the popular marketing automation tool, Hubspot.
Best Practices for Maximizing a Product-Led Growth Motion
March 16, 2023
Aaron Bird, CEO and co-founder of (former VP of Product Adobe and Marketo) walked us through the best practices for maximizing a PLG motion and 8 email campaigns successful PLG companies are running today that drive more activation, revenue, and pipeline. Launches Support for PLG Companies That Have Account <> Workspace <> User Hierarchy
March 15, 2023
Most marketing automation tools, like Marketo, do not recognize product users and they are not aware of the org contexts of product users (they can only handle accounts from Salesforce). That makes it very difficult for PLG companies to properly coordinate and run growth campaigns for these users at Org level and user level.
Announcing Branching in So You Can Create Product-led Journeys That Convert
March 14, 2023
Branching in campaigns is crucial for personalizing and directing your customers to their own customized paths of product experience. It allows you to tailor your messaging to your audience segments based on their interests, behaviors, and preferences to generate more PQLs/PQAs, convert to paid, or expand the customers. With conditional branching, you can always reach out with the right message at the right time. Announces Support for Updating Values as a Flow Step Unlocking New Capabilities for PLG Companies
March 13, 2023
We're excited to announce a powerful new feature for our users: the ability to update person fields as an action step in the campaign flow.
Announcing Webhooks: Take Product-Led Communication to The Next Level
March 9, 2023
Webhooks are a way for one web application to communicate with another application in real time, allowing our customers to greatly extend the capabilities of Inflection. You can use webhooks in Inflection to trigger action through any of the tools in your tech stack that accept webhooks. Let’s unpack a few of several use cases of using webhooks with Inflection.
Announcing Inflection and Salesforce Bi-Directional Sync to Supercharge PLG
March 7, 2023
Inflection is thrilled to announce our bi-directional native integration with Salesforce. With the power of product and CRM data, you can now personalize PLG campaigns like never before as well and push data into Salesforce from Inflection.
How to Create Product Onboarding Campaigns in Marketo
March 6, 2023
Onboarding is a crucial part of any product experience. When done right, it can help your users become familiar with your product quickly, and get the most out of it. In this guide, we'll look at how to create product onboarding campaigns with Adobe Marketo Engage.
How to Connect BigQuery and Marketo
March 2, 2023
Connecting BigQuery and Marketo helps marketers track, analyze, and report leads and contacts better with centralized marketing data. It also opens new gateways to opportunities arising from data integration with other sources like CRM with product analytics.
How to Connect Redshift and Marketo
March 1, 2023
More than 14,000 businesses use Redshift to get actionable insights from their data. Using the data for launching automated marketing campaigns is at top of the list of use cases powered by Redshift. Redshift users can establish a custom data integration with Marketo to exchange data that powers the marketing campaigns. There are two ways to do that.
How to Connect Segment and Marketo
February 28, 2023
The purpose of integrating Marketo with Segment and Marketo is to seamlessly transfer customer data to Marketo in real-time to power marketing automation with the right data. This blog post explains how to establish a connection between Segment and Marketo in detail along with known limitations.
How to Connect Amplitude and Marketo
February 23, 2023
Product-led growth thrives on great product insights. Amplitude is a popular choice for PLG companies to get those insights. This article explains the process of connecting Adobe Marketo with Amplitude, for running PLG comms.
How to Connect Salesforce to Intercom With Screenshots
February 21, 2023
Connecting Salesforce to Intercom is super easy and doesn’t need technical expertise. Managing SFDC leads can also be done directly from the inbox of the Salesforce app. Though Salesforce and Intercom seems like a dream combo, Intercom falls short when it comes to executing personalized communications for PLG use cases. Especially for B2B companies.
How to Connect Snowflake and Marketo
February 16, 2023
The goal behind connecting Snowflake and Marketo would be to use actionable raw data to fire up personalized campaigns to communicate with your customers at scale. The integration would also help in analyzing and taking data-driven decisions in marketing.
How to Connect Salesforce and
February 14, 2023
By integrating Salesforce and, businesses want to streamline their communication processes and gain valuable insights into customer behavior. But, the absence of native integration between the platforms raises a set of challenges for Salesforce users planning to personalize communication at scale and at a fast pace.
Why Personalized Product-led Growth Is The Winning Formula And How To Get It Right
February 9, 2023
Both Marketo and Outreach became the leaders in their respective eras by recognizing the fact that one-size-fits-all is not acceptable and enabled automated and tailored experiences with a different GTM. The same winning formula applies to the new era we are in. Curating a unique product experience at scale for the users through automation and personalization is the way to win in the product-led era.
How to Create a Product Onboarding Campaign in HubSpot
February 9, 2023
This simple guide helps you build your first product onboarding emails and campaigns in HubSpot. 
The Secret to Improved Conversions: Personalized PLG Abandoned Cart Emails
February 2, 2023
The buying process is easy in PLG businesses. With the transactional ease comes the abandoned cart problem commonly faced by consumer businesses. Abandoned cart emails are popular in B2C because of their success rate and the same best practices can be applied for better conversion rates in PLG businesses too.
What is Growth Automation and Why You Should Be Doing It
January 31, 2023
Growth automation helps product-led companies run both ENT and PLG motions out of one system to get a much more comprehensive view of the prospects and customers.
Spearheading Expansion Revenue with Personalized PLG Upsell and Cross-sell Campaigns
January 25, 2023
When it comes to upgrades, oftentimes your user is not the decision maker or buyer. And, the buyer need not be an active user. Upselling and cross-selling campaigns crafted with the right product activity and CRM data can be instrumental in reaching out to the right customer and gaining expansion revenue.
What’s a Product Qualified Account (PQA) and Why Should I Care
January 24, 2023
Product qualified accounts are an aggregation of metrics collected about the company compared to threshold criteria.PQAs are commonly used in B2B product-led growth (PLG) companies to understand buying readiness of an account.
The Role of Personalized Invite Emails for Compounding User Acquisition in Product-Led Growth
January 19, 2023
Think of how you got started on Slack. Word of mouth is not a cliché but an effective growth strategy to compound user acquisition in PLG. How often do your best customers and product champions organically share their amazing product experience with their network purely out of delight?
Reducing Churn with a Personalized PLG Reactivation Email
January 17, 2023
A reactivation strategy should be part of every PLG company’s growth strategy to ensure that churn is not permanent. A tailored product-led reactivation campaign helps you win back the best customers and maintain a healthy bottom line.
Not Just an Annual Tradition: The Role of Recap Emails in Product-Led Growth
January 12, 2023
Recap emails can be the ultimate tool to drive product engagement for a product-led growth (PLG) company. Reminding users of the value they are getting with the product is another touchpoint to improve retention and reduce churn.
Personalized Milestone Emails - A Winning Retention Strategy for Product-Led Growth
January 10, 2023
Personalized and product-led milestone emails delivered at the right time are one of the best ways to mitigate activity churn. Show them appreciation, give them reasons to stick with your product, help them at tricky turns, and celebrate their wins. You can earn their loyalty on top of slaying churn.
3 Reasons Why Intercom Customers Are Switching to Inflection to Accelerate Product-led Growth in 2023
January 4, 2023
After the recent announcement by Intercom's CEO, they are shifting their focus toward customer support. Since then Intercom customers have been looking for better alternatives to accelerate their product-led growth (PLG). Here's why Intercom customers are switching to Inflection.
The Secret To Making World-Class Product-Led Growth (PLG) Onboarding Emails
December 15, 2022
You and your team designed the world’s most intuitive and frictionless onboarding process known to humans. There is a chance that you are still seeing a good percentage of your users abandon your product during onboarding.
Announcing And Salesforce Integration: Unleashing New Capabilities For Product-led Growth
December 7, 2022
Inflection is excited to announce the general availability of our Salesforce integration.Combined with our previous announcements for integrations into data warehouses such as Snowflake, Redshift, and product activity such as Segment, you can now align your cross-functional teams to drive more revenue, usage, and faster onboarding with user and account-based automation empowered by product and sales data.
Inflection Achieves the Ultimate Gold Standard in Data Security With SOC 2 Type 2 Compliance
November 29, 2022
We are proud to announce that we are now SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, achieving the ultimate gold standard in data security.
Product Engagement, Customer Success, and Product-Led Growth: How Stack Moxie Uses
November 17, 2022
The marketing team at Stack Moxie uses Inflection to fully automate the process of compiling metrics matrix for their admin users and personalizes the data to their organization. All this while not depending on other teams and saving hours of unsustainable manual effort.
What Are Product Qualified Leads (PQLs)?
November 11, 2022
Product qualified leads (PQLs) are the customers and users that show higher intent of buying after experiencing value from your product. Identifying the right product qualified leads is crucial for your growth and can also give you a huge competitive advantage. Once you identify the right triggers in the conversion path, all you have to do is nudge them with the relevant message.
What Is Marketing Automation?
November 8, 2022
Marketing automation at a high level refers to using software to automate repetitive everyday tasks. That means you can complete tasks faster with seamless data flowing to trigger the right action.
What is Product-led growth?
November 3, 2022
Product-led growth (PLG) is the go-to-market motion in which the product is the primary channel to drive business growth. Implementing a PLG motion in your SaaS company means driving acquisition, conversion, retention, and expansion using the product as the main vehicle for growth.
Are PLG Vendors PLG? Here’s What We Found + More Insights
October 27, 2022
Our tech stacks are varied depending on the purpose and our flavor of product-led growth. We compiled a PLG tech landscape to help you build your own tech stack. Here's what we learned when we deep-dived into the vendors.
Product-Led… Everything?
September 29, 2022
ABM isn’t just marketing. The market or category conversation from account-based marketing shifted to ABE “account-based everything” and ABX “account-based experiences”. Are we at that moment in product-led growth?
Announcing Additions To Email Audience Building: Inflection’s Marketing Activities
September 27, 2022
Building an audience based on their actions adds another dimension to the customer profile that can give context to the communication. We built our dynamic list feature to help marketers get their campaigns delivered to the most relevant customers.
Announcing Visual Email Creator: Easily Build PLG Emails That Drive Adoption, Revenue, and Pipeline
September 15, 2022
he aesthetics of an email are not only pleasant to the eye but also make the user experience of consuming the email content easy. Use relevant product event data combined with the person and account information with Inflection to build hyper-personalized emails that present your customers with value realization on a silver platter. Create beautiful and fully customized emails for your automated product-led growth campaigns, now faster with Inflection’s Visual editor.
7 Things I Learned About PLG From Blake Bartlett on the SaaStr Podcast
September 12, 2022
This direct quote from the podcast neatly sums up successful product-led growth. “When you nail the right product, and it's priced the right way, you grow with your customers and your customers never outgrow you.” This is a magical dynamic we all can aspire to achieve.
More Than a Free Trial: A Look at Different PLG GTM Models
September 8, 2022
A lot of people think PLG = freemium. Reality is freemium (Figma) or free trial (Salesforce) is ONE of MANY models that work for PLG.There are product-led companies that ventured off the beaten path and found success while having their product steer their growth engine. Open source (MongoDB, Elasticsearch), per-seat pricing (Hootsuite, Slack), and usage/consumption-based (Twilio, AWS) are the other GTM motions adapted by product-led companies.
Here’s Our Product-Led Growth Vendor Landscape for 2022 - Your Solution for Building an Ultimate PLG Tech Stack
September 6, 2022
Our 2022 edition of the product-led growth vendor landscape is out now. We all have seen an explosion of new tools in the market to help companies do product-led growth efficiently. As a result, now we have 108% more vendors than last year. So we decided to expand the categories and here’s what it looks like: 
How We Built a Nearly Free PLG MarTech Stack and How You Can Too
September 1, 2022
Marketing technology (martech) is a massive landscape that is ever-expanding. There are established crowd favorite products and also many notable new entries, especially in the product-led growth stack. There are SO MANY options to choose from and for an early-stage startup like ours, it can be overwhelming.