The Marketing Ops Guide to Product-Led Growth
Get your copy! Introduces The Most Advanced Journey Builder in B2B Marketing... Ever

Dave Rigotti
June 26, 2023

Inflection brings you the never-before-seen journey builder that is going to help you execute the most effective customer and prospect journeys, effortlessly. You can now automate complex, multi-stage journeys at scale, all powered by real-time product usage data.  

With these new capabilities, PLG teams can orchestrate entire multi-market and multi-product lead flows on a single canvas. Additionally, marketing, customer success, and growth teams can orchestrate entire journeys (like onboarding, expansion, win-back, etc) into a single canvas spanning low-touch self-service and high-touch enterprise.

Nested Journey

Executing complex campaigns or journeys is so painful with the solutions currently available for product-led teams today. Usually, you have to chain many different campaigns together, unenroll from one campaign and enroll into another without losing important messages during the transition, and check for exit criteria or branch logic to make sure the user is not getting duplicate emails… the list goes on. Unlike any product on the market today, Inflection can do nested journeys making complex, multi-stage journey building at scale an effortless experience.

With Inflection, you can have journeys within journeys that have their own exit criteria. For the first time, you can have your entire onboarding campaign in one canvas.

For example, a user signed up for your product. They need to receive a series of onboarding emails helping them set up their account. With Inflection’s nested journeys, you can easily send reminder emails if they haven’t done a critical setup, but move them on to the next setup action if they’ve already done it. No more time-based onboarding journeys or irrelevant reminders.

The nested journeys allow you to group multiple flow steps together - including branching logic. Once you create a mini journey nested within the main journey, you can repurpose the set of flow steps. Just set up a flow step at any stage of the journey that checks for a change in a parameter (like for product role in the above example) and connect the ‘True’ branch to this nested journey through merging branches.

This powerful new feature allows you to analyze and optimize your users’ and customers’ journey through each stage such as onboarding, engagement, and so on; all in one canvas. Inflection’s customers stay on top of their automated goal-driven journeys without having to replicate them for each variation in qualification criteria.

Setting the exit criteria of the nested journey takes the user or customer to the next flow step seamlessly. In this example, when the admin sets up the user permissions or when a CSM gets in touch with them, they move on to the next flow step. More on the Exit Criteria feature later in this post.

There are so many possibilities to automate a personalized product-led communications journey using nested workflows like:

  • Feature Adoption and Engagement:  

    To encourage customers to explore and fully utilize various product features, a nested journey can be built in the Inflection app to guide them through feature adoption. These mini workflows might include steps such as sending feature-specific tutorials, case studies, and tips to help users understand the value and benefits of each feature.
  • Complex Lead Nurturing:

    Nurture prospects, qualified leads and accounts (with our Salesforce Account support) at each customer lifecycle stage with targeted emails while having a view of the entire nurturing process.
  • Upsell/Cross-sell Campaigns: 

    You can create a nested journey to upsell or cross-sell within the main journey specifically focused on personalized product recommendations, targeted offers, and follow-up emails based on customer preferences and behavior.
  • Churn Prevention and Reactivation: 

    Personalized reactivation emails, offering special promotions, or providing access to exclusive features to entice already churned customers or the ones showing product red flags such as inactivity for a long period.
  • Customer Support Follow-ups: 

    Multi-step journeys can handle specific customer support or follow-up communications by keeping track of it all in one place. Eliminate the repetitive follow-ups by automating assigning the CSM. Based on criteria like the number of follow-ups sent, product events, etc, build mini journeys to make your support activities more relevant and helpful to the customer.
  • Referral Programs: 

    With nested journeys you can automate referral programs within the main workflow such as offering extra product credits to a free user for each referral, unlocking a premium feature to a paid customer, etc. You can also customize rewards and incentives based on the number of referrals a user can get within the same journey.

Want to see this feature live? Check out the new Inflection webinar.

Merging Branches

Like any marketing automation tool available today, you can build campaigns with flow steps that lead your audience through the ideal journey. With Inflection, you can now do so visually based on the product or CRM activity data you choose, you can branch by value, token, and filter.

Let’s see how this works with an example.

Considering an onboarding example again. The power-packed Inflection features we just announced can help you build a personalized onboarding journey for all your user segments in the same journey. Based on the account type - self-serve, sales owned, and the rest by default in this example, you can decide the next flow steps for each.

In these branches, there might be a lot of common flow steps. That’s where the merging branches feature proves quite useful, saving you from having to repeat the same steps again and again.

Branch out the self-serve users and enterprise customers after sending the ‘welcome email’, which can be common to anyone who signs up for your product. Your customer branch can merge into the same flow as a self-serve user after assigning a customer success manager (CSM) to them.

You can easily branch out the customers after finishing the desired common flow steps or if they meet the exit conditions.

Exit Criteria

You know those reminder emails you get even after adding your credit card on file for using a SaaS product? Well, we got them too. These journeys are usually automated to send emails based on time period irrespective of the product activity.

Having goal-based exit criteria for an automated journey is necessary to be relevant, helpful, and not annoy your users and customers.

A journey’s or nested journey's exit criteria refers to the conditions or triggers that determine when a contact or lead should "exit" from a particular journey or flow step.

Take the same onboarding example. Inflection’s own personalized onboarding journey is goal-based. We need our customers to connect their data warehouse and CRM to see the value of our product. So, our onboarding journey’s exit criteria are set to when:

  1. A customer goes through all the flow steps or
  2. A customer meets the onboarding goals - connecting the data warehouse and CRM.

Alternatively, I can add exit criteria for this journey that stops sending further emails when the customer gets in touch with the CSM asking for support in setting up their data warehouse and CRM integration.

This feature can have many, many use cases like:

  • Conversion: When a user completes a predefined goal, such as making a purchase, reaching a product milestone, filling out a form, or even subscribing to a newsletter.
  • Disqualification: If a user no longer meets the criteria or qualifications for a particular journey, they may be disqualified and exit the flow. For instance, if a customer’s product role changes from user to admin, you can enroll them into a more relevant journey.
  • Inactivity: If a user remains inactive for a specified period, such as not opening emails or visiting the website, they may be considered unengaged and excluded from the workflow.
  • Unsubscribes: If a contact chooses to opt out or unsubscribe from receiving further communication, updated preferences can disqualify them from a journey.

This is powerful not just for campaigns like onboarding, but also for prospect-based workflows such as lead nurturing, where you need to remove a contact when they have met the success criteria, such as requesting a demo.

With Inflection's Journey Builder and its newly released advanced features, product-led growth companies can visually design and optimize the ideal flow of personalized customer communications. If you are trying to enhance the effectiveness of your automated product-led campaigns, request a demo.

We showcased the new Inflection with all the above mentioned features, watch the recording here.