The Marketing Ops Guide to Product-Led Growth
Get your copy! Launches Support for PLG Companies That Have Account <> Workspace <> User Hierarchy

Akhil G
March 15, 2023

Product-led growth is fascinating. It brings down the barrier for new users to sign up for a product and that leads to a huge volume of new signups and product-qualified leads (PQAs). 

Since the entry barrier is lower in PLG, your customers might use a single email address to sign up for multiple workspaces. As a result of this, you end up with multiple teams working for the same company, each with overlapping users. 

Most marketing automation tools, like Marketo, do not recognize product users and they are not aware of the org contexts of product users (they can only handle accounts from Salesforce). That makes it very difficult for PLG companies to properly coordinate and run growth campaigns for these users at Org level and user level.

Inflection has a better way. Today, we are excited to announce the support for Account <> Workspace <> User hierarchy to help our customers run campaigns to users with multiple workspaces. 

How Account <> Workspace <> User Hierarchy Works in Inflection

Let’s say Lisa is a long term WHTBoard user with the Product team and introduced the Design team to the digital whiteboard product. Now Lisa has two profiles (one for each team which each has its own workspace) on WHTBoard with the same email address. In this scenario, the product usage data is messy and that makes it complex to execute even the most basic campaigns to Lisa.

Fret not! Inflection supports Account <> Workspace <> User hierarchy model; so that your growth team can use Lisa’s activity and user role (admin, individual contributor, etc.) from each of these workspaces and also as a whole account so they can pitch an enterprise plan that is beneficial to Lisa’s company, thereby generating revenue. 

Inflection now has the ability to differentiate between marketing contact/leads and product users. 

When creating a campaign, you can select if the email should go to the user just once of if they should receive the email for every organization/workspace they are part of:

For example, for a product newsletter, you would most likely just want to email that user once, assuming the newsletter is targeted for all users (regardless of their tier). However, for a monthly automated recap, you most likely want the user to receive stats that are specific for the different workspaces and in this case you would use “Send Email to Product Users” option.

There are many other use cases for this hierarchy model, some of the good examples are:

Create product engagement and upsell campaigns personalized at the user, workspace, and Org level - This is helpful for using deep-personalization for your engagement campaigns and thereby increasing the adoption, retention, and expansion rates. Growth teams can better target their upsell campaigns to specific users within a company, based on their usage data and role within each workspace. 

Orchestrate sales and marketing with PQAs easily - it’s easier to identify PQAs and PQLs since you can roll up activity to a higher level than just the individual user or their primary workspace, especially helpful when you have users at very large companies.

Better internal alerts for handraiser events - You can set up real-time internal alerts to sales and customer success teams when a user reaches a specific threshold of activity or engagement in any of the workspaces, signaling they may be ready for an upsell or premium plan.

We built Inflection to combine the best of PLG and marketing automation to help you accelerate product usage and boost your revenue. And, we believe this new feature will unlock the next level of growth for modern PLG companies.

Be sure to request a demo to see Inflection in action!